OCCM Summit
Orthodox Leadership Training
OCCM Summit is an Orthodox Christian leadership training for student leaders. OCCM Summit is focused on training OCCM student leaders on what it means to be an Orthodox leader and hold a leadership role in OCCM, the Church, and the professional world.
OCCM Summit is required training for the Student Leadership Team (Executive Board, Regional Directors, Committees) and all chapter officers. Our goal is that all newly elected OCCM student leaders be trained and calibrated on the ministry plan through the OCCM Summit program as we continue to better equip and lead our OCCM organization.

OCCM Summit 2025
The OCCM Summit conference is held for all chapters of all three regions. The student leaders gather at St. Mary & St. Demiana Convent in Dawsonville, GA, for an enriching spiritual atmosphere, a series of workshops and talks, and lots of fellowship.
The OCCM Summit Conference will be held from August 6-9, 2025. Registration opens two months prior.